A Running List of Things I Say YES to

Over the weekend I read Kelly Corrigan’s book, Tell Me More: Stories About the 12 Hardest Things I’m Learning to Say.

I loved this book. I couldn’t put it down. I finished the last half sitting in the urgent care with Lucas, who hurt his foot. (He’s fine.)

She had this one chapter that was so cool. So cool, I’m going to copy her.

A List of Things I Always Say YES To… because it’s so easy to feel like we’re always having to say no, which is important. We do need to learn how to say no, with boldness and clarity, and unapologetically. But here’s the thing, we learn how to say no, so that we can say yes when we really want to.


Here’s my running list of things I Say YES to: 

Going on a walk with John around Lake Joy

Paddle boarding in the middle of winter, on a clear night while the stars shine so bright they stun you. (I just did this last weekend, and it was the best night I’ve had all winter. I loved it. I will say yes, even if I’m afraid I’ll fall in and die of hypothermia.)

A couple hours to read a good book

Praying for my children, whenever they ask, at whatever hour they ask.

An opportunity to preach

A Blessing

If one of my kids wants to sleep next to me, they can still tuck in and find comfort.

An all expense paid trip to England, Scotland, Spain, Australia, Greece, or Iceland. (Just in case you’re inviting.)

Salted Caramel Chocolates from Costco (Oh my word. They’re heaven.)

The Family Stone, Brigette Jones Diary (at Christmas time), Pride and PrejudiceAnne of Green Gables, and Lord of the Rings 

A game night, especially Ticket to Ride, Gin Rummy, and Dutch Blitz

Picking up one of my kids’ friends for church on Sunday morning, even if they tell me on our way out the door. I will say yes.

Live theatre (As in musicals and plays. I LOVE them and say yes even if they’re too expensive and I’m worried about the money.)

Chocolate Croissants from the French bakery in Seattle

If Emma offers to do my hair or my nails

If Lucas wants to cook (Even if it means I have to help.)

Holding hands with John, or one of my kids

Helping with homework, or to study for a test even if I’m so tired I can’t see straight and want to read my book

Goodnight hugs


How about you? What do you say yes to?



Tina Osterhouse is passionate about living deeply and authentically. Through fiction, blog posts, and creative essays, she writes about ordinary life and the way God meets us in our everyday circumstances and creatively weaves the sacred into them. She studied ministry and theology at Northwest University, most recently lived on thirty acres in Southern Chile, and finally returned to the Seattle area in June of 2015.

1 comment

  1. Love this encouragement! And chocolate croissants and Pride and Prejudice? Oh yes!

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