What’s Saving Your Life Now, A Guest Post

In February, Tina wrote the blog post, “What’s Saving Your Life Right Now?”

Last week Tina, whom I affectively call my friend and sister, and have only met on Facebook, approached me with this same question. It has taken me several days to get a real grip on what’s saving my life right now, but I finally have an answer.

The first thing that is saving my life right now is my weight loss. Yes, body weight. I started praying…heck…I was begging! I asked God to help me get my weight under control and fast. The more I prayed, I realized God was saving my life by bringing me closer to Him, which in turned helped me start losing the weight. I did exactly as God instructed me to do. Each morning I prayed specifically for my health, and each morning, God gives me instructions. Sometimes I wonder if I’m losing my mind in the process, but as I listen to the voice of the Lord I am seeing a major drop in both my body weight and the weight of stress. Worry, past wounds, and rejection are lifting from my shoulders. This is saving my life both mentally and physically.

The second thing that is saving my life right now, is that I attended One Night in Columbus, Ohio. Over two hundred churches came together to worship as ONE church. Over twenty praise and worship leaders from multiple churches came together as one. Over ten pastors from different denominations came together as one body in Christ without the titles, but with one purpose to worship our God in spirit and in truth. Reconciliation between churches took place. Forgiveness was extended between pastors and people. People from different churches came together on a Friday evening in Columbus Ohio to worship God as one body in Christ with one voice through song and prayer. I was led by the Holy Spirit to pray for a few teenagers. I believe praying for them that evening planted a seed that they may one day come to Christ. This made my heart sing knowing they too may become a part of God’s family. The beauty of the Spirit moving through the venue is something I cannot truly articulate, but I know it was God answering the prayers of the righteous. That time of worship is saving my life right now.

The third thing that is saving my life are these words I have in my spirit and also written in Scripture in Psalm 34:1, “I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continuously be in my mouth.” Something about intentionally blessing the Lord has given me new life, and a new praise on my lips. There are moments when I feel a sense of emotional loss and sense of feeling insignificant I speak these words and immediately I experience the Lord’s manifested presence. This scripture is saving my life right now.

Now for a lighter side. I love to dance. I turn up the music and dance around my home like I have lost my mind. It makes me feel good. It allows me to release stress. It allows me to laugh at myself. I actually make up dances out of nowhere. I think for the moment I am a rising dance choreographer! STOP! In walks my husband. He stands and watches me freely move around with freedom, however, he laughs as always. Why? Do you remember Elaine on Seinfield? Remember her non-dancing self? That’s me! But, it doesn’t matter. I still love to dance, and I won’t stop. My freedom for dance is saving my life right now!

The Bible says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I’m experiencing a filled life. I am enjoying abundant life.

What’s saving my life right now? Jesus! It’s your turn. Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” What’s saving your life right now?

Gail Dudley is, transparent, authentic, fierce, fearless, and faithful. Fun, loving, and outgoing are words that express Gail’s everyday experience. She is an ordained pastor and serves alongside her husband in Columbus, Ohio. She is CEO and Publisher of READY magazine, a quarterly print publication, and the author of seven books. She is the designer of Pray to Lose, and enjoys equipping and motivating women around the world to walk boldly into their promised future. www.GailDudley.com www.READYPublication.com Twitter: @GailDudley





Tina Osterhouse is passionate about living deeply and authentically. Through fiction, blog posts, and creative essays, she writes about ordinary life and the way God meets us in our everyday circumstances and creatively weaves the sacred into them. She studied ministry and theology at Northwest University, most recently lived on thirty acres in Southern Chile, and finally returned to the Seattle area in June of 2015.

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