
On Why We Stay

The Fall equinox came and went several days ago and I’m still not finished with my novel edit. I was hoping to send it off to my agent a couple of weeks ago, and I’m still a few weeks out. Editing is deep creative work and at this stage in my book’s life, it’s sheer…

Returning to Rest

My children spent most of today out of the house. I’m under the weather with a head cold from all the airplane travel, and John is back at work tending to the things of Fuller theological seminary. I have taken Sudafed every four hours. I also sip on ice water, while editing my novel, which…

When We Fall

Yesterday, I tripped and fell out by our wood shed. I decided to mow the front lawn before John came home hoping to surprise him. It was late in the afternoon, about five-thirty. Earlier, I edited my novel, and at the peak of the afternoon I met a friend in town for coffee. My coffee…

Four Things I’m Learning Right Now

Yesterday was summer solstice. Just as we notice the turning of a season, it’s also nice to take stock of how we’re changing and growing. So, I thought it might be fun to write down a few of the things I’m learning. Here goes: It’s easy to misunderstand people on social media, particularly Facebook. The…