Beside the Still Waters


Sometimes the water is high, raging over the boulders and the rocks. Sometimes the water trickles by, just enough to remind us that it’s still moving, things are happening, but it’s low enough to make us wonder if we’ll ever see the crashing, white foam again.

We press on, press in – daring to hope, believing that tis’ but a season and things will get better.  The rain will come, the water will rise.

This week, there have been small drops of hope that make me wonder if the rain is about to fall.  Christianity Today asked me to write an article for them, I got a new idea for a book and started writing notes, we had friends over for homemade pizza, I had an opportunity to speak on faith to a youth group on Friday night, we went to birthday party for a cousin, Rodrigo had a great time at a men’s night at the church we go to …. small things in and of themselves, but all together, combine into ordinary answers to prayer, the every day events that remind us we are not alone, we are not abandoned.

Winter is a time to gather strength, for the roots to go deeper into the earth so they might gain the nourishment they need for the next season – the season of bearing fruit.  I have to wonder if part of our journey right now is just that.  A long winter.  Affording us the time and freedom, the space to gather strength.  When I look at it from that perspective, I’m calm.

We all go through various seasons in our lives, don’t we?  When we look back at the deserts, at the valleys, we understand them better.  They make sense upon deeper reflection.  The Psalmist says, the Good Shepard leads us beside the still waters … sometimes it doesn’t feel so still.  The storm rages around us, or the drought seems never ending.  In times like this, WE must be still and watch for him, wait for him to come.  Perhaps it’s the same thing … After all, didn’t he say that out of him would flow Living Waters …?

What is happening in your life?  Where do you see things moving, changing?  Where do you see the hope in your story today?

Much love,



Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.


  1. When I’m feeling overwhelmed I dream of the ocean rising about a house on an elevated piece of land where I shelter and hope the water won’t overtake me. This dream is my warning to slow down.

    Plants go dormant in winter for a reason. If we don’t take time to rest and regroup we’ll be like the wallflower, a beautiful plant that can bloom itself to death.

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. You are right. We need to regroup and let our well fill up… this matters far more than I ever realized.

      I’m on chapter four of your novel… so many lovely lines.

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