Photo Friday

On Monkey Bars

One of their favorite things to do in the States at recess was to play on the monkey bars and when we got here there didn’t seem to be any anywhere.  Their callouses went away and they figured out that a seesaw is cool.  They didn’t complain, but my heart hurt just a little bit…

Farm Life

Just a few pictures of life on the future farm.  We’re starting to work on the foundation, invited some friends to use the infamous pellet gun, and let Gibby play and play and play. It’s been a fun winter break. Have a great weekend! Much love, Tina

Autumn Days

The kids decided to do a photo shoot the other day on the land … took all their animals, and blankets, dragged the ipads around as cameras. I snapped these pictures. Time flies.  Blessings on you this weekend. Much Love, Tina

Photo Friday

Autumn is setting in – with all its full, robust colors of gold and orange. The other day Emma and Lucas asked if we could spend the afternoon walking our land, exploring. We had such a fun time, and at the end they decided they needed to have a photo shoot. Have a great weekend….

The Lay of The Land

My little house! The Plaza right next door My White Bench fits perfectly in the hallway… this is where I sit in the morning to get warm. The wood stove heats the bedrooms very nicely. The rest of the house is chilly! My bed fits! I had my doubts the first day we saw the…

The Importance of Dreams

Saying good-bye is hard and the kids have talked about their cousins, aunts, friends,  and grandparents in Seattle that they already miss. However, today Rodrigo took us to see the land we are thinking of buying. Once we drove down the road and saw the piece of property, they started to dream. They chatted about…