

Once, I had this dream where one of my aunts came to me and grabbed me by my arms. Her face was stricken with profound intensity and her eyes were persistent, pleading, unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

“Pray for me,” she cried out in panic.

And then I woke up. I had no idea what the problem was. Nor did I need to. I got out of bed, fell to my knees and prayed.


Another dream I had was where I was sitting in a big field, at a picnic table and people were coming to get prayer. A woman, whom I had known for most of my life, came and sat down on the bench in front of me. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. She lowered her head and spoke in a low voice. “I had an abortion and it killed my soul.”

I reached across the table and took hold of her hands. “No it didn’t,” I said. “Nothing, nothing you’ve ever done can kill your soul. God loves you. He loves you very much and He longs for you ….”

After I woke, I called my mom and asked her about the specifics of the information the woman had given me. “What do you think that was about?” I asked.

My mom spoke quietly, pensive. “She didn’t have one abortion, she had several. And it’s been a deep sorrow in her life. I think you’re supposed to pray for her.”

I prayed for her for many years. That God would bring hope and that he would help her.


Another dream was where a very good friend, with whom I hadn’t spoken for quite some time ended up at the same party that I was at. (In the dream.) And in the dream, I overheard her talking to a group of women about needing to get a divorce.

Interestingly, she wasn’t speaking to me. I simply overheard it. I woke up and asked God what I was supposed to do.

God spoke quietly to me that early morning. “Pray she’d find the way out and be able to stay married.”

I didn’t understand those words. At all. I had no idea what was going on. But it’s what I prayed for many months.

Later, at an appropriate time, I asked her about it. She had in fact been thinking of getting divorced. She didn’t want to – but she wasn’t sure what else to do. Things were desperate. At some point, something shifted in their relationship and they ended up staying together.


I’ve always paid attention to my dreams. Not obsessively, but diligently. Sometimes, God reaches us in our subconscious much better than through our wakened selves. This is mysterious. But also wondrous. The key is to be careful what you do with the information you’re given in any dream. Don’t be haste. Wait, pray, ponder. Whatever you’re supposed to do will be revealed at the right time.


How about you? Do you dream often?Does God talk to you in your dreams?


Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.


  1. When you first moved to Chile I had a dream where I was telling you I needed you to pray for me so I could hear from God about some issue, I really don’t remember what. In that dream you put your hand on my shoulder and said “Erin, I really think it’s time you girls start praying for yourselves.” I woke up, laughed to myself and thought, she’s totally right. I miss you Tina, but I love how you challenge me to grow – even in my dreams!

    1. I love this story! And miss you too.

      Much love,


  2. What lovely experiences you’ve had, Tina.
    God tends to use dreams to prepare me for things or to warn me against them.

    Right before a family member died, I dreamed of the death of a family member. It softened the blow because, when I remembered the dream, I knew God was not unaware.

    When a certain man took an interest in me. Some of the people in my church were trying to promote him to me, but I had a dream that warned me nothing would come of a marriage to him. He died a couple of years later.

    1. Wow, Janalyn what incredible dreams!

      Thank you for sharing them

      It’s interesting how God finds ways to speak to us,
      Especially to warn you like that. I’m so thankful you listened.

      Much love,


  3. God often speaks to me in dreams. When we were praying about adopting and asking God for direction, I had two very vivid and specific dreams having to do with both direction and provision. God knew I keeded the provision dreams because He ultimately led us to adopt from China, not one, but two children. Can you say expensive (internationl and 2 kids) and a rare event (adopting two unrelated kids at the same time)? Fifteen months later, we are weeks away from traveling to pick up our two children, and yes, God provided for it all!! Every penny!! I have beautiful stories all along the way, and I often referred back to the dreams to stir up my faith. What a testimony to God’s faithfulness!I One of the main keys in dreams is asking Him what He is saying in it. Journaling details is important too – for reflection and prayer. I really enjoy your writing, Tina.

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