Eight Years Old


Dear Lucas,

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you. Emma was taking a nap and the test came out positive. I had no idea I wanted a son. I had no idea it was time to give Emma a little brother. But God knew it was time for you to come into this world. He knew the world couldn’t wait any longer for your bright, beautiful smile, and your great big heart. It was time. I spent the next nine months coming to grips with the fact that my kids were going to be fourteen months apart.

Lesson one: Many times, the things in your life that seem the most impossible, the hardest, perhaps even the most unfair, and so not within your particular plan or time frame are the very things that bring the greatest joy and become the catalyst for your most beloved blessings.

You came into this world ready for life. You wake up each morning happy to be alive. You have more gifts in your little finger than many of us in our whole selves. You have compassion. You are alert – in fact one day at Costco many years ago, a man walked up to me and said that he’d been in your Sunday school class that morning. He said “Your son is more aware of what is going on around than most adults I know.” And it’s true. You take it all in and you see people. You see them.


You are pragmatic. When we were praying that God would provide a truck for dad, you said at the age of five. “Why are we praying for a truck? What we need is money.” You were right! What we needed was money.

You have a sensitive soul. Whenever you do something wrong you bring me into your room late at night to confess and make things right. And you pray and feel God lift your burden and make things right. Lesson Two: Getting things right between you and God is always first and then, out of that relationship, out of being right with God, you will learn how to live right before the people in this world. If you try to do it the other way around and get right with people before you get right with God, it will flip upside down and spin out of sorts and leave you hung out to dry.

You have a gift for language. You speak Spanish like a champ.

You are learning to dive into your grandparents’ pool. And even dad isn’t quite sure what to do with how small the splash you leave behind as you dive deep into the water.

You are a boy. I am so thankful God gave me a son. One day, not too many years from now, you’ll be a man. There are lots of things about being a man that can be scary. Here’s lesson three: It’s not all about you. The sun does not rise and set over you. You are one person in this big world, you aren’t the only person in this world. You were born on an ordinary day and you will leave this world on an ordinary day. And the sooner you understand this, the better. You’re going to hear lots of sermons about how important your one life is and how you’ve got to do great things for God and how you have to achieve and get good grades and be important, be successful. This can create a lot of unnecessary pressure. You don’t have to be great for God. You don’t have to be great for mom or dad. Let God be great. Let God be big. Let God’s love and strength be big for you. And you’ll go right.

Here’s Lesson Four: You were born on purpose. You are supposed to be here and you have something to give. Something only you can give. You aren’t the center of the world, but you are a part of it, a part of the grand scheme and you matter. Your contribution matters. Your particular voice, your particular take on things, your particular pains, heart-aches, lessons, hurts, and victories will all weave together and bring something to this planet that is needed. And you – only you are responsible for what you do with what you’ve been given.

Lesson Five: Here’s one of the great secrets to living well. If you learn this, this one thing – it will work out. This is one of the great keys to life that many of us never learn. Learn to quiet all the voices around you, shut the door, go into your closet, breathe deeply, and listen to God. Learn to hear his voice. Your name is Lucas Samuel Bustamante. The prophet Samuel heard God speak to him at a young age. Make it your ambition to lead a life listening to God. His is the only voice that will always lead you to life. He won’t lead you down rosy paths of ease and luxury – at times you will walk through hard valleys and steep paths, but it will ultimately lead to life. Always. If you listen to God tell you what to do, tell you who you are, and who you are supposed to be, you will walk a path that is extraordinary. You’ll end up with more adventures, with more freedom, with peace that goes beyond comprehension, and you’ll sleep well at night.

It takes great courage to listen to God and shut out the other voices. The other voices will be loud and seductive, sometimes beautiful and charming, sometimes right, sometimes very wrong. Learn to pay attention to the still small voice. Let Jesus’ voice be True North, the one you set your life upon – and surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life ….

I love you Lucas Samuel,



Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.


  1. Beautiful letter, Tina! Very touching!

  2. Dear Lucas… HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! I wish I could have been down there to celebrate your birthday today. I’ll never forget the day you were born – the privilege it was to help welcome you into the world! I’m so glad God gave us the gift of you! I love you and miss you! I hope you opened my card today – and were reminded in a little way that you are precious to my heart! Sending a big hug and lots of love! — Auntie Katie

  3. Precious boy – cannot believe he is eight!! I remember the day you announced your pregnancy and I was rude because baby Rylee was sleeping nearby and I STILL feel bad about it. Oh what an adventure it was to have our two sets of babies both 14 months apart – so glad you were gifted with one of each.

    Very wise words. Makes me stop and think about my nightly prayers and that perhaps I should let lesson three sink in to my heart just a bit…because you are so very right, it’s so much more about letting God be big in our life than about doing our ‘great thing’ for him.

  4. This made me cry and think of my own son. Beautiful!

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