Hearing God Through Others


After thirty plus years of cross-denominational church life, I’ve been around the corner when it comes to people hearing from God – especially people who believe they hear what you’re incapable of hearing. Almost as if there’s no need for you to go and pray yourself. They heard and now all is well and you can go on your happy little way.

To be fair, some of the deepest and kindest words I’ve ever received from God have come through the channel of friends and family. But also the most ridiculous and absurd words have come through other people. This is why discernment is so important.

One time when I was living on the ship, a friend came to me late in the evening. He was a homely man, awkward, gentle in heart and soul, and good in the the most natural way a person can be, but not the sort of man women are off flirting with when they’re traveling around the world for two years.

He visited some church in the middle of some city where their designated prophet went round person to person speaking God’s words to them.

My friend came back to the ship, troubled and sullen. He told me what had happened. It seems his word from God was that he would not be getting married. Ever. God did not have a wife for him.

I spoke up about as quick as a lioness pouncing on prey. “Yeah. That wasn’t God,” I told him.

“How do you know?” he asked, perplexed I could be so certain. “Maybe God doesn’t want me to get married.”

“That might be true,” I said, nodding. “But it wouldn’t make you feel so despairing. God’s words relieve us, convict us, encourage us, and sometimes tell us what is to come. They don’t deflate us. God’s not mean and he doesn’t trample over people’s hearts. When God talks through other people you should walk away more full, more confident in what God is doing in your life. Or at least you should be more settled in his love for you. Neither of those things occurred in this instance. You walked away heartbroken. God mends hearts, he doesn’t break them. Therefore, it’s not from God.”

He sighed in relief.

A few months later, he fell madly in love with a woman and they’ve lived happily ever after with a few children tagging along after them over the years.

Just because someone tells you they’ve heard from God for you, doesn’t mean they have. Your own heart and mind and life with God must confirm what the person shares. Sometimes it takes years for a promise to come to pass. That’s fine. That’s life. But the word should not kill your heart or spirit. It should bring life. Always.

What about you? Feel free to comment.

Much Love,


Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.

1 comment

  1. Such wise, wonderful words my friend. Great reminders about God’s Word and the TRUTH we find when we immerse ourselves in it. Thanks for the gentle encouragment to read, read and continue to read – even if we don’t feel like it!! 🙂

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