In the Boat

IMG_2249When I was in the Seattle a few weeks ago, we went to the zoo.  A whole bunch of us.  And had a marvelous day.  And we asked the kids to get in this little boat called Los Amigos so we could take a picture.  It was like herding cats.  They all scrambled in and out and in and out and finally we took the picture.  Aren’t they beautiful?  Their lives are all strung together with love and memories and their mama’s friendships and lots of distance between them.

A lot happens in life that is beyond our control.  A lot happens that takes us by surprise, that whips our heads up and we catch our breath and try to remember how to keep breathing.  We ask lots of questions in those moments, in those seasons, during those times.  We wonder why or how something could be, how it could have gone that way…

I had dinner with a good friend of mine a few weeks back and we reflected on something that happened in her life during this last year.  It had been a hard hard season for her.  I lifted my eyes and asked quietly,  “What do you think that was all about?”

She swallowed, thought for a moment. “I think it was just a big hard storm that we needed to get through.”

Sometimes there aren’t a lot of explanations for why or what something is all about.  And it’s not always important — at least not in that way.  What’s important is staying in the boat with your friends and being present to each other. Together.  My boat is filled with kind and good people.  And they may not be able to take the storms away, or make the wind stop howling… but I sure am glad they’re there.

Much Love ,



Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.


  1. Beautiful thoughts…… During this season of gift giving, one of the greatest gifts God has given me in this life are the people in my boat. Thank you for being one of them!

  2. That’s so true my friend! We need our peeps in the boat – because storms come. We are meant to experience life with those people…the peaceful times as well as the stormy ones.

    1. It’s so true. Love you my friend and miss you much.


  3. How sweet it is to count your blessings as people to love.

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