What’s Saving Your Life Right Now?

Tonight at the dinner table, after we finished eating, we lingered for a few moments. I saw the window of opportunity open and I decided to ask my kids what’s saving their lives right now? I made us go around in a circle. I started. I thought I’d share these with you, too.

The first thing that is saving my life right now is water. Yes, WATER. I have had kidney stones. Major back pain. The only things that are helping are cranberry pills, and large quantities of water. I drank three liters of water today. I can’t express how hard it is to drink three liters of water. I had to pee every ten minutes. However, my back is finally starting to feel better. There’s all sorts of spiritual places I could take this, but really, today – I just want to say water is healing my back pain and flushing out my kidney stones. Oh my goodness. I’m so thankful.

The second thing that is saving my life right now, is that I went to a conference in Canada this weekend and met a whole bunch of cool women. It was wonderful. SheLoves magazine hosted it, and Idelette did a great job with her team creating something new and winsome and powerful. But the thing that is saving my life about the whole weekend, is that I knew many of the women through Facebook and Instagram and Twitter, and I’d always wondered if we’d actually get along in real life. The question in the back of my mind has always been … are these friendships real? Are we really the same on social media as we are in real life? My answer to that is yes. The women I’m friends with online, and admire and think are tenderhearted and thoughtful are exactly how I thought they’d be in real life, except they were even better. It was remarkable.

The third thing that is saving my life is this verse that someone taught on this weekend. I loved it. Exodus 1:17 “But the midwives feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live.” It’s when the king of Egypt decides to kill the little boys in Egypt because the Israelites are getting too strong. He told the midwives to kill the baby boys. They refused. Those women feared God more than they feared the king and they did what they believed was correct. God honored them for it. There’s something about ordinary women who are mostly hidden and obscure, who rise up and stand on their principles that I find invigorating. What speaks to me in this verse is that we don’t have to change our jobs to do our part. We don’t have to become something that we’re not. We take our small lives and live them with the intention to honor God and usually something beautiful and unexpected comes out of it.

The fourth thing is kind of funny. You remember that line in the first Bridget Jones movie when Mark Darcy finally tells Bridget that he likes her? First she goes on and on about all the things she already knows about herself. She admits that she has verbal diarrhea and will always be just a little bit fat. She tells Mark that she doesn’t need him to remind her of all her faults and failings because she’s usually aware of them most of the time already. Then Mark Darcy tells her that he likes her. Just the way she is. It’s the line that always makes me cry. I think it’s why I watch that movie over and over and over again.

I did this really crazy thing last summer and got married to this man named John. He’s older than me and he’s got these quirky traits, as in he tells really obvious jokes all the time. But I like him. Just the way he is. I don’t want him to change a darn thing. Terrible jokes and all. He’s good and kind and real and I’m crazy about him.

And… he likes me, just the way I am. And you know? It’s saving my life right now. There’s this thing that happens when you’re loved unconditionally. You get stronger and more courageous and you see people with more compassion and tenderness. 

I’m a lot like Bridget. Maybe you are, too. It’s easy to think about all the things we don’t like about ourselves. We could all write lists of them. We’re too thin or too chubby or too quiet, or we talk too much.

God loves us just as we are. Verbal diarrhea and everything. That is also part of what is saving my life right now. WE ARE so loved. This certainly doesn’t mean that God isn’t out to help me become more thoughtful and selfless and more loving, but there’s a safety in the construct of it.

P.S. Seattle people, I’m going to Newport Covenant’s Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 p.m. If anyone is in the mood to think about the wilderness of life and go through deep personal examination, come with me! It’ll be fun. Ha! No, seriously. I’d love to save some seats. Even if you don’t know whether you believe in God or not. It’ll be quiet and peaceful and you might like Jesus.

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Tina Osterhouse is passionate about living deeply and authentically. Through fiction, blog posts, and creative essays, she writes about ordinary life and the way God meets us in our everyday circumstances and creatively weaves the sacred into them. She studied ministry and theology at Northwest University, most recently lived on thirty acres in Southern Chile, and finally returned to the Seattle area in June of 2015.


  1. That verse from Exodus. All the feels. Thank you for sharing it and how it speaks to you.

    1. It’s such a good verse, isn’t it? Thanks for writing.


      1. It feels very timely!

        1. Hi! Love you!


  2. I love this. Loving someone just the way they are is a beautiful gift, and it’s so wonderful to receive it in return.

    Sorry about the kidney stones. I completely feel your pain. I’ve dealt with them a few times a year for 25 years.

    1. Thank you so much. Your kindness toward me over the years has been a true gift.

      Any tips on the kidney stones? I’d love to know.


  3. Lots of water…if you can have a stone you pass tested by your Dr. The lab will tell you what it’s made of, then they will give recommendations on foods to eat and what to avoid. I also add 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 Tbsp lemon and 1 Tbsp honey to a cup of green tea morning and evening.

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