Building a House

We are in the throws of building our house. We’ve hired electricians, plumbers, and someone to put up siding and now someone to help with the roofing (which is our next major feat).

I haven’t been blogging nearly enough and that’s because we’re out on the land ALL day, EVERY day. It’s been absolutely exhausting and wonderful. I can’t wait to move into my house – which won’t be finished when we move in … but it’ll be ours to finish and build and grow into and invite people to come and stay in. (You are officially invited.)

A couple days ago, after mentioning I wanted to get some chickens, the plumber told me his mom has to get rid of her hens and he offered them to me. Eight hens and a rooster. If the rooster’s too grumpy, he’ll become our Sunday dinner and we’ll buy another. I’ll keep you posted.

We’ve been cooking in our barn (Or should I say, I’ve been cooking in the barn and last week the kids and I picked very very green apples and I made my first pie of the season. I have to say I don’t recommend early picking — makes for some tart pie!

IMG_2613Here are some more shots of the house in progress. Keep us in your prayers. We’ve got a lot to do and we need to do it by the end of March. Move in day is approaching.

IMG_2590 IMG_2572 IMG_2615And  … tomorrow my friend, Kate Jones, is going to post some of her photography for us. Actually, I’m going to post it, but she took the pictures. I asked her to come up with something for my quote on Fragments … and what she did is so cool and so perfect. I can’t wait to share.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Much Love,


Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.


  1. It’s so beautiful to see it coming together… Can’t wait to stay in it!! Miss you all.

    1. I can’t wait for you too see it too, my dear. I miss you. Every day.

      Much love,


  2. I feel like I just hit the internet jackpot. I’m from Louisiana and my husband is from Chile, and after ten years here in the U.S. we are finally getting ready to return to Chile. Planning to settle somewhere in the south near Pucon. We have been homeschooling for 6 years now, and of course, as we moms are so prone to do, I have been getting myself all worked up over whether or not we will find other homeschoolers in Chile and what the change will be like for the kids. We have also been seriously considering building when we get there so imagine my surprise and relief when I finally discovered your blog. Your post about deciding to homeschool last year reminded me so much of a post I wrote years ago when we started. I’m eager to read the rest now. Gonna grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your blog this morning. Thank you kindly for sharing your experiences.

    1. Wow! I am so glad you wrote — we definitely need to connect. So exciting. We live in a Temuco. And sent a forty ft. Container down with all our stuff and a bunch of building supplies. Highly recommend it. We shipped insulation, windows, doors, roofing material and a few other little things…

      And a homeschool coop is in the works. A couple other women here started homeschooling this year. And more are interested. It’s new territory for them and there aren’t as many materials but it’s here and growing.

      More soon. So glad you wrote.


      1. That is so exciting. I’ve been searching for weeks online for something like a coop in Chile with very little success. I would love to contribute and participate once we make it down there. We’re in the early stages, sprucing up the house to put it on the market, but I’d love to hear more about how you brought the building materials over. You guys must be very good at planning and thinking ahead. That is very impressive. The house looks beautiful and seems to be progressing quickly. I’d love to hear more about it. My mother-in-law and most of my husband’s family are in Concepcion. We’re hoping to settle a little more to the south. I’m sure you are very busy with house and the kids, but if you have my email and a moment to share a little more about sending the materials, planning the house, and homeschooling in your neck of the woods, I’m very interested. I’m not sure what kind of support you’re finding in Chile in terms of homeschooling, but please consider me as a long distance resource if you ever need any. I started a blog when we first began homeschooling but life got in the way and I left it behind. Here’s a link A lot of the pictures have disappeared over the years, but consider it a sort of virtual introduction. Again, thank you so much for sharing the ins and outs, highs and lows. Best wishes, cariños, y suerte con todo.

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