Tina Osterhouse

Tina Osterhouse

I'm Tina. I'm the author of As Waters Gone By and An Ordinary Love. I'm a mom to two gorgeous kids. I love to read. I'm also utterly convinced that stories transform our lives. When we tell the stories of our hearts, we become more fully human.

On Mean Girls and Inclusion

It was brought to my attention over the last couple of weeks that my daughter has been encountering the infamous academic caste system we all love so much. Exclusion from, or inclusion into a small group of people. The criteria for “getting” into these cliques is absolutely subjective – based on looks, clothing, boys who…

On Being Perfect

Our early morning car trips to the bus have become a sacred place for me with my kids. We usually drive out of the house toward the bus stop and have about five to seven minutes in the car while we wait. I’m not sure how it happened, but the ride and subsequent wait have…

On Life and the Pathway to Joy

It’s hard to explain how I’ve been feeling of late. Work is intense. Hobbling around on a broken foot is exhausting. My son Lucas turning eleven is overwhelming. It’s emotional and brings on waves of nostalgia. I remember the day he was born as though it were yesterday. The feel of his tiny little hands…

On Taking Care of Our Souls

Emma, Lucas, and I sat in my car a few days ago before school; the rain came down so hard we had to concentrate to hear one another. The car was still cold so we were shivering, tired, still stuck in the morning fog of slow movements. I was wishing we could escape the on-rushing…

How Do We Help, Then?

In response to my recent post on people-pleasing, a good friend made a thoughtful comment to me about how it’s hard not to want to help, especially when we see someone in a difficult situation. My friend is right. It is hard when we want to help someone and they don’t seem to want or…

On People Pleasing

There’s this verse at the end of Romans chapter two that has me thinking. It’s one I’ve been pondering over the past few weeks because I’m a classic people pleaser. I want everyone to be happy. In particular, I’d like to them to be happy with me. There’s at least two problems with this. The…